journeys of a skeleton

a beacon for tolerance

After Chelsea fans chanted a racist song against Mohamed Salah, three fans were denied entrance to the match and Liverpool coach Jürgen Klopp sent a strong message against racsism: “Football is the best example how different … races … can work together brilliantly.” We agree and thank him for taking a stand! We all need […]

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Meet Eric Clegg! Eric is an amazing singer/songwriter and recording artist who will guide our skeleton through the world on another path. With musical styles ranging from Alt-Rock to Folk-Pop, he has been involved in various musical projects over the years, as a member of Clove, Paper House, Cloudbusters and The Unusuals. More recently, Eric […]

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Today – Dec 10, 2018 marks the 70th anniversary of the UDHR! Happy birthday and may you live not only 70 years longer and remind us of what’s important: “The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) is a milestone document in the history of human rights. Drafted by representatives with different legal and cultural backgrounds […]

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